What is NGV?
-NGV is short for Natural  Gas  Vehicles  (CNG is short for Compressed Natural Gas that is used in the Natural Gas Vehicle)

Why NGV?
-Because high prices of petroleum products such as gasoline-benzene, diesel and other fuels, Natural gas has become the best alternate fuel for auto vehicle.  In Thailand you’ll save about 80% of fuel cost. For example, if Petrol-Benzene-Gasoline is 3,000baht/month then it’ll be reduced to 600 baht a month when you use natural gas

Can my car be converted?
- Yes, NGV system can be added to your car. We have tested several NGV installations and did not run into any problem.

The brands we have tested include but not limited to these major brands: Mercedes Benz, Volvo, Toyota, Honda, Isuzu, Opel, Mazda, Nissan, Jeep and several others.
“Converted” might not be a correct term, the correct term should be "added".

Would there be any problem with the engine after installation?
If installed by qualified technician with experience, then it's not likely. There are over 4 million NGVs in the world today

-Differences in pricing between using NGV and other fuel
From PTT petrol pricing (July 12 2008) with estimattion ratio  (http://www.pttplc.com/th/GetOilPrice.aspx)

Fuel Price-Baht Baht/km
Benzene-95 42.89 4.00
Benzene-91 41.79 3.90
Gasohol-95 38.19 3.80
Diesel 37.39 3.70
LPG 10.50 1.30
PTT-NGV 8.50 0.75

*From asking Toyota Altis 1.6 driver for driving in city

-Which NGV equipment is most suitable for Thailand?
This depends on the usage, if one regularly runs the car on gasoline then SEQUENTIAL INJECTION is more suitable. SEQUENTIAL INJECTION system might have more accuracy for firing natural gas. However, the installation of SEQUENTIAL INJECTION system might require non-standard enlargement of the injection heads because the PTT-NGV contains too much garbage in their gas and the standard injection head would not inject enough gas into the engine.
Generally FUMIGATION system (mixer type conversion) is more suitable for Thailand with backup data from department of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University

Is NGV same as LPG?
-No, LPG is Liquefied Petroleum Gas made from Petroleum product and even the pricing in Thailand is about 9.50baht/liter you would need to fill more than 1 liter for your car to be able to achieve same distance as 1 liter of Benzene-Gasoline.

-How does it work for Diesel cars?
Diesel cars can be installed but must be mixed with about 65% diesel fuel while running (To make it simple, Diesel will cost approximately 16baht/liter  after installation)
(Some newer system might consume lower percentage of Diesel depending on load condition.)

-Where do the equipment come from?

NGV equipment in the world today generally comes from either Argentina, Italy or China.
All cylinders in Thailand are imported

-How long can one full tank go?
One full tank with 15kg of Natural gas (70 water liter size) can run approximately 180km (in city) or 200km (long distance) (Toyota Altis)

Do I have to remove my Petrol-Benzene-gasoline tank?
- No. NGV tank will be added to your car and your car.

Can I still use Petrol-Benzene-Gasoline?
-Yes, you can either choose to run your car in either Natural Gas mode or Petrol-Benzene-Gasoline mode and you can switch back and forth any time.

How much savings am I expected to get for using Natural Gas?
-The price of Natural gas in Thailand costs about 20% of the price of Petrol-Benzene-Gasoline.

Would there be any problem with my engine?
-No. (We are gathering reports from overseas to back up this statement) There are currently over 4 millions NGVs worldwide.

-Time-frame of installation
Generally about 1-2 days

-Documents required for installation (in Thailand)
Copy of ID card, Copy of household registration
Car registration ----- 2 copies of all these, all must be signed by the owner

-Cost of installation
From about 40,000 baht for FUMIGATION system and about 60,000 baht for Sequential Injection system

-Would it cause any problem to engine?
This is up to the engine maintenance, if used properly and according to the advice then you will not have any problem. Engine oil life will also last 3 times longer.

-Life time of equipment
The tank can be used for 20 years but must be inspected every year.

Pipe can be used as per life time of other equipment

Reducer life time is about 5-10 years.

-How different is Italian equipment from Argentine equipment?
Equipment of Italian model is being manufactured in Argentina so there is no difference in them. Also Argentina has the most number of NGV installations in the world today, so Argentina definitely has more experience than every other country.

Should do regular engine check-ups especially for spark plugs.

-When using Natural gas would the valve have any problem?
There will be no effect on valve. The mixture of Natural gas and air will be in ratio with using normal petrol, when starting, the car will always start with Petrol-Benzene-Gasoline

-Would the engine life-time be shortened?
Engine will remain to have same life-time as using regular petrol

-When Natural gas runs out can Petrol-Benzene-Gasoline be used?
Yes, by just pressing a button the car will run with petrol

-Do you have to stop the car to switch between Natural gas and Petrol?
No, you can switch while running

-How would you know how much Natural gas is left in the tank?
Generally there will be additional light indicator in the car, when gas gets consumed.  They will go off one at a time until the last one starts blinking.

Is it dangerous?

-Can it explode?
Very little chance, it is considered safer than Petrol because every part of the equipment have respective safety equipment
-Incase of accident and gas pipe is broken
Gas would stop flowing when gas flow rate exceeds the normal rate as the valve would shut-off the gas
-Would the tank explode incase of fire?
No, because the valve have safety mechanism to vent the gas when temperature and pressure increases

--Difference between Fumigation/Mixer and Sequential Injection for NGV

Fumigation/Mixer Sequential injection
Fumigates through common air intake manifold Fuel goes through each air injection manifold
Reduction in engine not more than 10% Reduction in engine not more than 10%
Lower cost of equipment Expensive equipment
Same acceleration Same acceleration
Suitable for all types of cars Only suitable for fuel injection cars
More savings on fuel with good tuning Less savings on fuel
Good combustion Good combustion
Back firing is possible but can be minimized by custom made spring vent Not likely to back-fire and happens only if not installed and checked properly
No complication in installation. Tuning up does not require specialize equipment for specific brand. Must take good care of air-filter When engine condition changes must always Tune-up. Tuning-up requires vendor specific equipment (cannot just goto any NGV garage). Therefore, cost of tuning up would be higher. The injection head might get clogged and would need frequent cleaning

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